5 Ways to keep your Facebook account safe from hackers

Oftentimes we awaken to the news from our friends that the person we have been communicating with on Facebook is not them and whatever posted on their timeline is not “what’s on their minds.” The question that always comes first is how? Well, we can never really know how it’s done as the effect varies. However there are ways on how you can prevent that from happening to you.
Here are some of the ways on how you can protect your account from hackers.
1.Using a strong password
This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s worth repeating: use a strong, unique password for your Facebook account. Hackers often use automated programs that try thousands of common passwords in an attempt to break into accounts. By using a strong password – one that includes a mix of letters, numbers, and symbols – you make it much harder for hackers to break in.
2.Turn on Two-factor Authentication
Two-factor authentication is an additional layer of security that requires you to confirm your identity before you can log in. This usually involves receiving a code on your phone or another device that you then need to enter in addition to your password. Two-factor authentication makes it much harder for hackers to gain access to your accounts because they not only need your password but also need access to your phone or another device in order to log in.
3.Keep your software up-to-date
One of the best ways to protect your computer from hackers is to keep your software up to date. That includes both your operating system and any apps you have installed, such as your web browser, email client, and office suite. Whenever a software update is released, it usually includes patches for any security vulnerabilities that have been discovered. By keeping your software up to date, you can make sure that you have the latest security patches and are less likely to be hacked.
4.Use a Password manager
A password manager is a program that helps you create and store strong passwords. It can also help you keep track of all your different passwords so that you don’t have to remember them all. This is important because if you use the same password at multiple sites, a hacker who manages to get your password at one site will then have access to all your other accounts as well. A password manager can help by generating strong passwords for you and storing them securely.
5.Be wary of Links and Attachments
Hackers will often send malicious links or attachments to Facebook users in an attempt to infect their computers with malware. Don’t click on links or open attachments from people you don’t know, and be careful, even if it’s someone you know. If the link or attachment seems suspicious, it’s best to err on the side of caution.

1 Comment (s)

Alick Phiri Mon, 09 Oct, 2023, 11:01:56 AM

Wow! Very informative

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